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Empowering Communities: weCollab's Vision for Racial Equity in the West End

Exciting Developments Growing in St. Louis' West End & Visitation Park Neighborhoods.

In a concerted effort to foster racial equity and community-driven development, weCollab, a resident-led planning collaboration, has been working to create a comprehensive neighborhood plan for the West End and Visitation Park neighborhoods in St. Louis. The initiative aims to prevent displacement, boost housing values, enhance educational achievements, and ensure overall well-being for the residents. Here, we delve into the key insights, initiatives, and future prospects that have emerged from weCollab's extensive engagement process.

Resident-Led Reinvestment Plan: weCollab's Resident-Led Reinvestment Plan is designed to empower the residents and prevent the displacement of long-time community members, particularly the elderly and families facing economic challenges. The plan envisions achieving housing values, educational achievements, home ownership, median household incomes, and safety levels comparable to or better than neighborhoods south of Delmar Boulevard.

Shown Below: Development Focus areas identified in the plan.

Unique Engagement Process: The planning process involved a robust engagement strategy, incorporating unique principles to ensure inclusivity. "Meet People Where They Are" philosophy guided the team to engage residents on their schedules through pop-up events, steering committee meetings, and stakeholder discussions. Hiring residents as Community Ambassadors extended the reach to traditionally hard-to-reach populations, ensuring diverse voices were heard.

Phase Overview: The process unfolded in three phases, each contributing to the comprehensive neighborhood plan.

  • Phase I: Explore (Sept 2021 - Jan 2022): The initial phase involved community-wide initiatives, thematic objectives, and strategies, setting the foundation for resident engagement.

  • Phase II: Test (Feb - June 2022): Residents participated in prioritizing over 100 revitalization initiatives across key focus areas, such as redefining redevelopment, dreaming big while starting small, and fostering collaboration.

  • Phase III: Build (July 2022 - Spring 2023): The plan is set to be adopted by the City of St. Louis, marking the culmination of weCollab's efforts.

Key Themes and Initiatives: The project themes, derived from multi-faceted analysis and community engagement, guided subsequent initiatives:

  1. Re-define Redevelopment: Shift the paradigm from development happening to the neighborhood to development happening with the neighborhood.

  2. Dream Big, Start Small: Emphasize the importance of both large-scale and small-scale development for holistic community growth.

  3. Connect People + Places: Leverage existing assets for connectivity, mobility, mixed-use redevelopment, health and wellness, and job creation.

  4. Meet People Where They Are: Tailor strategies to diverse needs and demographics within the community.

  5. Foster Collaboration: Encourage strategic collaborations among residents, businesses, and institutions for efficient and equitable reinvestment.

  6. Achieve Racial Equity: Prioritize racial equity in decision-making processes and implementation to bridge existing disparities.

Shown Below: A rendering of "Tracks + Union" at full build-out.

Initiatives, such as enhancing basic road maintenance, preserving affordable housing, fostering small business growth, and investing in parks and open spaces, emerged from resident feedback and were prioritized through digital surveys and in-person pop-up events.

weCollab's ambitious initiative is a testament to the power of community-led planning in shaping the future of neighborhoods. By prioritizing racial equity, engaging residents at every step, and focusing on diverse and impactful initiatives, weCollab is laying the groundwork for a vibrant and inclusive West End and Visitation Park community. As the plan moves toward adoption, the residents and stakeholders eagerly anticipate the positive transformations that will unfold, setting a precedent for equitable community development in the heart of St. Louis.

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